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The Color of a Rose

oboe, piano


Recorded by Tracy McLaughlin Jaskot and Matthew Jaskot in March of 2019 in Worcester, MA

About the Piece

This piece is dedicated to my son Holden, in celebration of his baptism.


The Color of a Rose is my introspective reflection on the cyclic and mysterious nature of life. Holden was born a month and a half after my grandmother (Rose) passed away.  In a short time span, emotions evoked from personal loss were overtaken by the joy of new life. This piece explores how one might experience these opposite ends of the spectrum simultaneously, like Tracy and I did with our son Brayden, stillborn in 2014. Musically, the pitches A, B-flat, and B play an important role throughout.  The oboe part is a free and expressive solo, colored and commented upon by the piano.


This piece can be paired with A rAy of Hope, in which case, it should be performed first.


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